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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Who would pay to hear this moron "speak"?

At a time when most people would pay billions in bailout funds to get Bush to shut up and go away, a Canadian organization has inexplicably hired him to "speak." But the event, happening on March 17 in Calgary, will be closed to the media--just like most of Bush's "speeches" when he was "president."

The event, euphemistically called “A Conversation with George W. Bush” (not even a schizoid proctologist would converse with such an a-hole), will be Bush’s first "speech" since being released on his own recognizance. The group that hired him, tinePublic, plans to charge a mere $4,000 per table of 10. That's $400 a head (or butt, or butthead) for the privilege of hearing Bush's alleged brain make fart noises through his mouth.

Will there be any protests? Yep. At least one group of Calgarians is planning to let Bush know he’s about as welcome as redness and swelling on the genitals. Bush's last visit to Calgary, in 2002, also provoked protests. In fact, the only time Bush hasn't sparked a protest is when he was leaving.

Get your tickets now, before Karl Rove snaps 'em all up!



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