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Thursday, July 14, 2005

Candy. Toys. Eighteen dead children.

Think this will improve our image in Iraq? Yesterday a suicide car bomb exploded next to U.S. troops handing out candy and toys, killing 18 children and injuring 70. Twelve of the dead were 13 or younger; six were between 14 and 17. An American soldier was also killed.

Even though the abhorrent act provided a welcome distraction from the Karl Rove imbroglio, White House press secretary Scott McClellan condemned the bombing, saying it showed that insurgents "have no regard for innocent, human life whether it's men, women, or children.''

But who was handing out the candy and toys? And why? Do we really think we can win Iraqi hearts with such cheap and obvious tricks? If it ever worked before, it probably won't work anymore.



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