<!-- Begin meta tags generated by ORblogs --> </meta name="keywords" content="progressive, liberal, politics, government, edit, language, grammar, accuracy, honesty, clarity, world, news, media" /> </> <!-- End meta tags generated by ORblogs -->> Editor at Large: Incredible

Thursday, July 06, 2006


From today's Newsweek online: "While some Republicans have avoided being photographed with Bush on the trail, the president continues to be a huge draw on the fund-raising circuit. According to the Republican National Committee, Bush has appeared at more than 40 money events for GOP candidates during this midterm election, raising more than $130 million (more than the president raised during the 2002 midterms)."

So not only are many Republican candidates unashamed to appear at fund-raisers with their extremely unpopular president, but fat-cat donors are unashamed to throw even more money on the fire. Tell us why, again, they call themselves "conservatives"?



Blogger crallspace said...

That IS unbelievable. If I were a GOP donor, I'd be demanding my money back.

11:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Green Ink: You're right - it is the dead Democrats who are making the undead Republicans feel confident about their chances this year and in 2008. Anyone for drafting Gore?

Crall: But if they all demanded their money back, how could they keep Republicans in office...so they can keep raking in more money?

2:32 PM  
Blogger Birthright Knowing said...

Parties are places where people become inebriated and say things they shouldn't. GOP is no exception. They are called "conservatives" because language is the most powerful tool to mislead the masses.

3:25 PM  

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