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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

"Pro-life" blog quotes Onion article as if it's serious

First Tom DeLay, and now a "pro-life" blogger named Pete. Both apparently believe that The Onion, a satirical newspaper, is serious. In a post titled "Murder without conscience," Pete, the pro-lifer, parried with the Onion article as if dueling with a real opponent.

In subsequent posts, Pete first admits that he was fooled by the Onion article because it "sounds just like a real pro-abortionist," and later he claims to have been joking all along. Sure, Pete. Someday you'll make a fine politician.

Here's Pete's blog entry.

Murder without conscience

Here are some quotes from a pro-abortion person, Miss Caroline Weber, who wrote an article at The Onion online magazine.

When referring to the killing of her child she said:

"I am totally psyched for this abortion!"

"Those pro-life activists made it pretty clear that, unlike me, they actually think abortion is bad and to be avoided. Are they nuts? Abortion is the best!"

"It wasn't until now that I was lucky enough to be pregnant with a child I had no means to support."

"I just know it's going to be the best non-anesthetized invasive uterine surgery ever!"

Who does Miss Weber blame her abortion on? The pro-life movement.

"The funny thing is, I actually have the pro-life movement to thank for this opportunity."

It's our fault? She says:

"If my HMO wouldn't have bowed to their pressure not to cover oral contraceptives, I never would've gotten pregnant in the first place."

Sorry ma'am, if you hadn't had sex you wouldn't have gotten pregnant, it's not the HMO's fault for not supporting your promiscuity while not married.

To sum it up, Miss Weber said:

"I realize there are people who will criticize me, calling me selfish and immature because I took "the easy way out." I realize there are those who will condemn me to hell for what I'm about to do. Well, I don't care what they say: It's worth it for all the fun and laughs I'm going to have at the clinic. So listen up, world: I'm pro-abortion... and I love it! See you at my post-abortion party, everybody!"

Miss Weber, you have killed your child, which you admit is a baby/human being, intentionally. That does make you an admitted murderer. I'm not going to "condemn you to hell", I'm going to pray for your forgiveness and for the suffering which you will endure when you realize what you have done. Every baby you see from that moment on is going to wake you up to the realization that you killed your child.

Speak out against abortion. Don't just complain about it. Join the Monthly Call for Life at MonthlyCallForLife.com. We call, email and/or march to let our representatives know that we will not stop until they stop the killing of innocent human beings!



Blogger Ms. Lori said...

Goodness. I guess I really don't need to add a pithy comment, do I? Kind of beautiful all on its own, that story...


The Intellectual Elitist

11:01 AM  
Blogger Editor at Large said...

Lori: It does have a certain blissfully ignorant beauty, doesn't it? Kind of makes intellectual elitists like us, who are condemned to hell by our own cynicism, green with envy. Or is that nausea?

1:07 PM  

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