Former OSU student "Worst Person in the World"
Last night on MSNBC, Keith Olbermann anointed former Oregon State University student Nathanael Blake "Worst Person in the World." Blake earned the dubious distinction for his comments about the Virginia Tech tragedy on the conservative Web site Human Events.
"Something is clearly wrong with the men in our culture," wrote Blake. "Among the first rules of manliness are fighting bad guys and protecting others: in a word, courage. And not a one of the healthy young fellows in the classrooms seems to have done that."
Though Blake admitted that he didn't know whether he "would live up to" his own notion of bravery, he said he would be "ashamed" of himself if he didn't, suggesting that the innocent victims at Virginia Tech should feel embarrassed for "ducking, running and holding doors shut" to avoid the bullets of a killer.
Olbermann's reaction: "...what could be more cowardly than to write that the Virginia Tech victims should be 'ashamed' of themselves for not fighting off their killer like some action movie hero? It is...Nathaniel [sic] Blake who should be ashamed today."
Blake previously wrote a highly controversial column for the OSU Daily Barometer. He was perhaps best known for his column of February 8, 2006, "The Islamic Double Standard," which sparked protests at OSU and elsewhere.